6 CopyKit Paper

This repository contains the scripts to reproduce the figures for the CopyKit manuscript. Resolving clonal substructure from single cell genomic data using CopyKit

6.1 Manuscript Code

Code to reproduce figures from the manuscript can be found here: https://navinlabcode.github.io/CopyKit_paper/

6.2 CopyKit installation

You can install the development version of CopyKit from github with:


Please check CopyKit package GitHub repository as well: https://github.com/navinlabcode/copykit

6.3 Documentation

CopyKit complete documentation can be found here: https://navinlabcode.github.io/CopyKit-UserGuide/

6.4 Datasets

Files used for this project are deposited to the sequence read archive (SRA) under BioProject PRJNA785341.